(Seoul) 30Th Anniv. 6.4 Tiananmen Massacre

  • 등록 2019.06.08 16:53:06

4th Jun. 2019. Global Human Right Network

SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA—In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing in 1989, South Korean NGOs and human rights advocates are holding a rally and a press conference in front of the Embassy of China at 11:00 AM on June 4th.  
The rally organizers, including Global Human Rights Network and fifteen civic organizations, will make a declaration demanding China to reveal the truth about the Tiananmen massacre. They will demand that the government of China release the names of the victims and the scale of the massacre. The rally will demand the government of China to reveal the status of those who had been arrested and imprisoned. 

The rally organizers and concerned citizens demand the truth about the massacre conducted by the heavily armed troops, mainly the indiscriminate shooting of the demonstrators, and the tanks crushing the unarmed civilians of all ages.  
The government of China claims that there were about 1,000 victims, but reports and witnesses indicate that there were more than 10,000 victims. China has accomplished tremendous economic progress, but human rights are not valued. Freedom of press and freedom of religion are non-existent. 
The government of China and its leaders of the communist party have squashed Tibet’s drive for independence and brutally oppressed its minority population. Thus, human rights activists inside China and concerned Chinese citizens have voiced their demand for freedom for many years now.  
The organizers and participants of this rally agree and sympathize with the Chinese freedom fighters and join their effort to bring attention to the inaction by the government of China. In so doing, the rally demands that the government of South Korea do its part to put pressure on China to disclose the whole truth and bring justice for the victims and their families who suffered the Tiananmen massacre.

Seong, Sang-hoon gdwatch21@gmail.com
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